Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kimberly Snyder's Weekly Detox Smoothie 健康排毒果汁

While searching for healthy diet, I found a great blog to follow. Kimberly Snyder. And this is one of my favorite smoothies from her blog. It's really refreshing, yummy and easy to make.

I actually use half size of all the ingredients just to fit my blender. Here's the full size recipe.

- Juice and pith of 1 lemon (only throw out the peel)
- 2 pears (seeded and cored)
- 2 apples (seeded and cored)
- 3 Tablespoons flax oil
- ½ teaspoon of Turmeric
- ¼ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt
- Pinch of Cayenne pepper
- 3-4 cups filtered water

Direction: Blend everything together!

做法: 將下列的材料用果汁機打勻(一般果汁機用一半的分量就裝滿了)
- 一顆檸檬除了皮以外果肉跟汁都加入
- 兩個西洋梨
- 兩個蘋果
- 三大匙亞麻子油
- 1/2 茶匙薑黃 (Tumeric)
- 1/4 茶匙海鹽
- 些許牛角椒粉(Cayenne Pepper)
- 3~4杯水


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