Thursday, October 29, 2009

紅燒牛肉麵 Beef Noodle Soup in Braised Soy Sauce


1. 牛肉切成5公分見方的肉塊。
2. 洋蔥切絲;紅辣椒、青蔥切段;大蒜、生薑切片;番茄切塊,備用。
3. 牛肉放入滾水汆燙去血水後,另煮一鍋水,放入適量蔥段、薑片及滷包,水滾後(水量剛剛能淹過材料),將汆過水的肉塊放入,落米酒,待水開之後,讓肉塊稍煮一下,即可起鍋,湯汁留用。
4. 起油鍋,陸續放下洋蔥、紅辣椒、青蔥、大蒜、生薑、番茄翻炒,然後放下牛肉塊和豆瓣醬,拌炒均勻。
5. 將煮過牛肉的湯汁和滷包一起倒入材料中,加醬油、胡椒粉調味,先煮到滾沸,蓋上鍋蓋,轉小火紅燒兩個半小時。
7. 煮麵, 過冷水. 加入牛肉及湯汁.

Short Ribs 1500g
Onion 1
Red chilly pepper 1
Garlic 5 cloves
Ginger Slices 8
Green Onion 4
Tomato 1
Chinese stew spices pack 1 package

Spicy Bean Paste 2 T
Soy Sauce 1 T
white pepper powder some
rice wine 1 T

1. Cut beef into 5 cm width squares
2. slice onions, red chilly pepper. Cut green onions in pieces, garlics and ginger in slices. Cut tomato in cubes.
3. Put beef into boiling water for 30 secs to remove blood. Prepare another pot of water, add reasonable amount of green onions, ginger slices, and Chinese stew package, after the water boils, put in the pre-boiled beef. (the amount of water will be just covering all the ingredients. Add in rice wine, after the water start boiling, let the beef stay for 5 mins and then remove them from the soup. Keep the soup for later.
4. Add 2T of oil in stir fry pan, add in onion, red chilly pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger and tomato. Stir fry a little bit and then add in all the beef and spicy bean paste. Stir them all mixed together evenly.
5. Add everything all together back to the soup pot. Add soy sauce and white pepper powder and wait till boiling. Cover the pot and turn the heat to small and cook for 2.5 hours.

6. Boil another pot of water, add in noodles after the water boils. Cook for 5~9 mins until the noodle soften.
7. Remove noodles from boiling water, rinse hot noodle over with ice water.
8. Add cooked beef stew on water and there you go with the tasty beef noodle soup!

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