Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Beef Noodle Soup (II) 牛肉麵(二)

以前煮牛肉之前都會"川燙", 這次發現一招教人不要川燙~結果牛肉真的好嫩呀!
還有因為美國超市不容易買到所謂的牛腱或半筋半肉, 所以如果家裡附近有有機超市比如說 WholdFoods, 我試過各種牛肉,我認為Beef Chuck最好吃.

最後附帶一提, 食譜中最後墩煮的一小時我是用壓力鍋煮, 所以牛肉又更嫩囉!參考一下吧!


1. 將買來的整塊牛肋條或是牛腱(約兩斤)入鍋,加水,加蔥兩支,薑六片,米酒一湯匙,煮20分鐘。(牛肉不能先過水,而且要從冷水慢慢加熱至沸騰後轉小火,中間也不能加冷水,一鍋到底血水是美味的來源,只要去掉表面的雜質即可牛肉撈起後)
2. 將肉撈出,切自己喜歡的大小塊或是片狀。
3. 在炒鍋中放四匙油,炒香20粒大蒜、一個洋蔥切片、2湯匙花椒,待洋蔥軟香,加入三湯匙辣豆辦醬、醬油一杯、糖一湯匙、酒三湯匙,用中小火拌炒一分鐘 (可以加番茄一個,也可以不加)。
4. 將牛肉及原來煮牛肉的湯一起入鍋,並加入六粒八角、兩片月桂葉及少許胡椒粉,煮滾後用文火續煮一小時,關火蓋上鍋蓋,不要動鍋中物,一直等到鍋冷就成了。再加熱時,再試味道加鹽調味,即成牛肉湯底了!

I yet again made another version of beef noodle soup and it was REALLY good. 
Now I've read so many ways to make the beef tender, here's another new method that I found and it turned out really well!! The key is not to blanch the beef first like most of the recipe says.  And I used the beef chuck from New Seasons or WholeFoods instead of using "beef stew".


2 lb Beef Chuck
2 stems of green onions
6 slices of ginger root
1 Tablespoon of rice wine
20 cloves of garlic
1 onion
2 Tablespoon of Sichuan pepper.
3 Tablespoon of spicy bean paste
1 Cup of soy sauce
1 Tablespoon of sugar
3 Tablespoon of rice wine
6 Star anise
2 Bay leaves
Some ground white pepper


  1. Put the entire beef chuck (uncut) in the pot, add water, green onion, ginger, rice wine and cook for 20 mins. Skim constantly.
  2. Remove the beef and cut in cubes with preferred size.
  3. At another wok, heat up 4 tablespoon of oil, add garlic and satay till the flavor is developed. Add onion, Sichuan pepper and stir fry till onion is soft.  Add spicy bean paste, soy sauce, sugar, and rice wine, stir fry them with medium heat for about a minute. 
  4. In a bigger pot, put in all the beef, original beef broth cooked with the beef, add star anise, bay leaves and pepper. Cook them to simmer. Turn to small heat and continue to cook for another hour.  Turn off the heat and let it sit till the entire pot is cooled. Don't touch or stir anything in the pot. 
  5. Reheat the entire pot before serving. (The noodle and vegetable part is the same as step 6-8 in  紅燒牛肉麵 Beef Noodle Soup in Braised Soy Sauce)

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